Forest Mobility

The primary aim of the "Forest Mobility" project is to enhance the quality of vocational education by fostering professional and motivated educators, implementing new and innovative teaching methods, and creating conducive learning environments. The project equips key individuals with a broader skill set and provides them with essential knowledge about emerging teaching techniques and environments. It further elevates student motivation, reducing dropout rates.


The execution of this project enhances Luua Forestry School's visibility in Europe and bolsters the reputation of vocational education. Student mobility during the project results in increased motivation, reduced dropout rates, and greater competitiveness in the European job market. The project activities also contribute to the professional development and motivation of staff, characterized by the readiness to apply new knowledge and methods in their daily work.


Participant mobility enhances foreign language proficiency, key competencies, cultural awareness, and broadens horizons. This engagement in the program elevates Luua Forestry School's international recognition and fosters an expanded cooperation network.